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  • Writer's pictureImaB

Imab- Talking #1- Welcome to the Brand!

Hello All,

This is my first official blog. Over the past couple of years, I have debated back and forth in my mind on should I do this blog thing or not. I always told myself that I simply did not have enough time, that my current work load was just too much. Then I realized that I was telling myself the same thing regarding every other avenue in my life, which I might detail in other blog series later.

To break the chain of my current state of mind, I am going for it! Making the changes that will help define who I am in this time next year! The main focus of this blog, at this moment, will focus on my journey with weight loss. This is a topic that I have been too nervous to talk about publically. To put myself out there in front of an audience is a bit nerve racking, to say the least, but again, to get out of my current state of mind, I am making a change. This blog will also have other topics covered based on what I want talk about. Also, I will not lie, there will be some articles that are designed to try and make an income. I hope that I can put out content that is as honest and open as possible. I have a lot of mini goals for this brand and one of which is to make an income and build. Other than putting out content, I am also opening side services such as proofreading, editing, and article writing. If time is permitting and I do not have too much on my plate, I would love to grow this experience with those who are interested. Other than this form of generating income, I will also add links in the content that I put out that include products that I believe could be useful to the viewers. If you all feel inclined to purchase these products through amazon, I would be grateful if you were to use the links that I include in the articles. Finally, I have set up a tab on the main page, and direct hyperlink here, for donations. The internal pride within myself is very hesitant on asking for donations to help build this brand, but I am trying to get over this feeling and do what I feel needs to be done to build this dream that I have. I am not sure of what to do as a form of showing thanks to donators but something in mind at this moment is to maybe have a monthly article that will publicly thank donators and share information that they want me to share, assuming the information is of sound content. Also, I could share social media usernames to help you build your brand! If you are wanting this or something else, please let me know via comment or email with your donations!

Writing is something that I have always enjoyed doing in the form of writing articles for classes, for my current job, or writing for fun, as a hobby, in the world of fantasy. I am sucker for a good story! Stories, as you probably are well aware of is one of the most popular forms of entertainment deriving, potentially, from the earliest point in human history. Facts and information, the sharing and evolution of knowledge all has been historically done via writing, telling a story of such. Let’s think a little deeper and get a bit more “philosophical.” In whatever moment you are going through in life right now, it is part of a chapter in the story of your life. Your own life, your own story, your own chapter at this moment. You have had previous chapters, and God willing, you will have more! But, let’s keep digging… There are currently close to 8 billion people alive on our lovely planet at this moment. Think of the billions that came before, and hopefully the billions to come. Each individual that has, is, and will live have their own story! Each one of these stories contribute as a chapter in the book of humanity! And what a beautiful story it has been, and hopefully will be. Sure, there have been some downs, but humanity has been overall beautiful, considering all the positive things we have accomplished.

With this being said, I will begin sharing my story starting with this current chapter in my life with the main focus being on getting healthy with a series titled “ImaB- Getting Healthy.” In this series, I will be taking you guys through my current journey of trying to lose weight and get healthier, as the name implies. I am sure there will be a good mix of ups and downs. I am a firm believer in taking advice from those who are more experienced. With this being said, I kindly ask for you guys to comment your experiences and motivations, pertaining to the “Getting Healthy” series and others to come! I hope that this site will become an amazing pool of tips and motivations that we all can benefit from!

I hope that this thing catches on and you guys enjoy the content! Please view, share, and comment with your thoughts in the comments below! Every like, comment, follow, donation, or service order would mean the world to me! This is something, that at the moment, would be considered a side business. Something of my own. Literally starting from the bottom. I have faith that this brand will grow and I know that with your help, we can be a beneficial entity on the web!

If you have read this and are a part of this first post, which is personally ground breaking and means a lot to me, please leave a comment, email me at, or Instagram me @The_Imab before the end of April 2019. I would like to personally thank you and will consider you the “OG’s” of this brand and will post an article with your social media name, or whatever avatar you wish to use!

God Bless and Thank you for reading!


P.s. Please take a look at these items below that are geared toward readers and Amazon users! Amazon has a ton of amazing products, not including the vast amount books they sell! If you are inclined and are in the market for any of the products below, please purchase them through the links below.

Thank you all, you are all beautiful!

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